Be part of our 30th Anniversary Celebrations

’Clarity’ through advocacy

Lewis’ story - Fife

Lewis’ story – Fife.

Lewis has dementia and was in urgent need of nursing care.
He was living with his wife, unable to cope at home he agreed to go into emergency respite care.

“I told my family I wanted to return home, whilst telling my social workers I wanted to stay in care.”

To uncover Lewis’ true feelings an advocate was used as a way to gain independent clarity on which viewpoint truly reflected his wishes. The advocate gave Lewis an independent voice. He felt safe to share his feelings whilst working with the advocate. Lewis felt settled and happy in the care home and didn’t wish to return home. He didn’t want his wife to feel pressured into caring for him, as he felt his needs were being better met at the care home.

Having uncovered what Lewis truly wanted, Circles Network expressed his views to his family on his behalf and worked to secure long-term, permanent funding for him to live at the care home.

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