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Help to find myself again

Kevin’s story – Crawley.

Rushed to hospital with severe stomach pains. Kevin’s life began to unravel, revealing a multi-layered and complex history. Kevin lived alone and following his visit to hospital, he was put in touch with Circles Network for extra support.

Kevin is in his 50s, has diagnosed learning disabilities and undiagnosed autism.

Once Circles Network started to scratch beneath the surface Kevin shared more about his journey, he’d grown up in foster care and at the time was still in contact with his parents. Over the years he’d had access to supported and assisted living on a high level.

However, as he grew up and moved on he took on low level jobs and embraced life independently which meant at some point he also lost contact with his family.

On a visit to where he was living, Circles Network uncovered that he’d been living in a serious state of squalor. Thick sewage had been building up, for a long time, and the facilities didn’t work at all. As a result of this, Kevin would smell, people would move away causing further isolation. He’d avoid conversations with people and had become very closed off. He didn’t realise the connection. He just thought this was normal. People in the local community knew who he was, which put him at high risk of being followed or groomed and very financially vulnerable.

Since the Circles Network intervention some years ago now Kevin’s life has changed significantly. He was supported in moving to a new flat, with all new furniture and hygiene facilities that work. He’s proud of his home now.

He’s opened up and has become chattier. He’s made some friends but continues to keep in touch with Circles Network, as we remain his emergency contact.

Along the way, Kevin has been supporting in finding his family, by looking into his ancestry so he could track down his parents and learn more about his identity. Kevin’s found out he has a sister. Kevin has also been supported in submitting an information request to find his foster parents who he left when he was in care.

He activity seeks out his own community groups alongside Circles Network support and regularly volunteers with us which he really enjoys.

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